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What's New.




The Star Dust reporter felt that the Man had a love-affair.
All is news for her that is fit to print for her magazine, the Star Dust.
The Star Dust magazine is the carrier of scandals and spicy news items.
The reporter caught the whiff of smell of love news in one of his following
quotes in his blog. She tried to get a story from him but she failed.
She kept all her options open. She is a veteran. She do not let go easily.

He met with a piece, one he had not dreamt of.
At a friend's villa in Manali he saw her.
It was at a family-supper that he attended.
He was not keen to go but his friend dragged him.
The place was the Military Cantonment Bungalows.
The host was the captain of the army.
She was the hostess.
There were no other women present except her.
The three trio were made to sit in the patio for drinks.
Then they entered the dining room.

She was slender, silken hair, the hair plucked back from
the natural hairline of the eye-brow as the fashion goes.
She moved with a delicate sensuousness, every slight rhythm of the
arm and shoulder and the leg as smooth as music.

It was pleasurable. She appeared to be one of those rare
creatures whose every breath was made for love.

Sketching her frame in her mind, he found a wholeness in her.
There was an undulant softness of manner, voice gesture, motion.

From the beauty of neck and shoulder and bosom, she was an
artist's imagination of painting her as the female-nude; not to love,
but to paint. She had much of her loveliness resembling a
Fairy lost her way from Heaven. Her face was rarest of rare.

She was unlike any woman he had ever seen.
He was all through out the dinner aware of her not merely
through his eyes but through every pore and part of his body.

Her presence in the room before she moved or said a word of mouth,
sent his blood pounding through his veins, shot his back and the
shoulders upwards, thrust his pelvic structure alive with new life.
In short, she was love in its ultimate form.

Her welcoming smile for him had encouraged him.
In fact she liked company of men-not any one in particular.
Her movement had a captivating grace and it was a delight to see.
Though an inner drum was pounding in his ears, he heard
the soft music of her voice that shocked him to intense awareness.

After dinner while the two others were involved in some serious talk,
his legs involuntarily moved in the inner room.
In spite of his protestations that he had no interest in the female form,
that he found no excitement worthy of painting, he could not tear
his eyes away from her bodice clothed in a fine woven silk which
accomplished the harrowing miracle of seeming to expose her breasts
while at the same time keeping them under cover.

The harder he looked, the less he could actually see, for he was confronted by
a masterpiece of the dressmaker's art, designed to excite and intrigue,
yet reveal nothing beyond a suspicion of white doves nestling.

She was amused at his interest in her.
She: "Are you an artist? "You look like one."
She: "A music-man?"
He: "I am a painter."
He: "I do off-hand landscapes."
She: "Will you paint me in your style?"
He: "You are already a painted picture of natural beauty."
He: "I have not the ability to reproduce your grace charm
and beauty by my brush."

They laughed together. They leaned towards each other.
He: "Will I see you again?"
She: "If the Captain invites you."
He: "Not otherwise?"
Her lips parted in a smile.
She: "Is it that you wish me to pose for you?"
She laughed heartily.
Her movements tightened the net over her bosom.
Once again, he found himself watching the lovely shapes beneath her bodice.

It was a nice evening.
That night he writhed in fever.
He found himself turning and twisting in an effort to bury his face
between her breasts, he realised what had happened to him.
He was incapable to stop the burrowing in the pillows.
He was hit with a Thunder Bolt.
The next day he passed her in the Market, the street of clothes and drapes
with an older woman. She was wearing a wreath of flower-garland
through her hair and moved in the crowded street with the same effortless ease
and comfort.
She bowed and smiled slightly and walked on leaving him
standing there rooted to the brick pavement.

That night when again he could not sleep, he began to write on a plane paper.

The Garland and the Girdle.

"What joy hath you glad wreath of flowers that is
Around her shining hair so deftly twined,
Each blossom pressing forward from behind,
As though to be the first her brows to kiss,

The livelong day her dress hath perfect bliss,
That now reveals her breast, now seems to bind,
And that fair woven net of gold refined
Rests on her cheek and throat in happiness.

Yet still more blissful seems to me the band,
Gilt at the tips so sweetly doth its ring,
And clasp the bosom that it serves to lace.

Yes, and the belt to such as understand,
Bound round her waist sayeth,
"Here I would ever cling!"
What would my arms do in that girdle's place?"

He suspected that this was not the kind of sonnet that did justice to her,
yet it cooled him down, and he returned to his bed and slept.

A few days after, as luck would have it, he happened to be
invited to the same place. She sat alone before the window
involved in her own thoughts.
He watched her face in the deem light, the features so fragile,
yet with such implicit passion.

She: "It is pleasant to talk to someone of my taste to talk to." she said.
He: "You do not have friends?" he asked her.
She: "Not any more, but I am happy the way the things are."
He: "I don't know miss, but you seem to be out of my quarter."
She: "Just what is your quarter, besides sculpture as you said once?"
He: "Poetry." He tendered a soft smile.
He: "It cost me two night's sleep before I could reduce it in writing."
She: "You wrote a sonnet for me? For me only?"
She: "Could I hear it?

He flushed.
He: "I will bring a copy sometime. You can read it in privacy."
She: "Why are you so embarrassed?"
She: "It is good to be desired by some one like you."
She: "I take it as a compliment."

He cast his eyes down. How could he confess that he was new to this sort of game!"
"How could he explain the fires burning in his loins?"

He looked up. He found her eyes on him. She had read his feelings.
She put her hand in his, studied his flushed face. These moments of perception
changed their relationship.

She: "Have you ever been in love?"
He: "........I have not been lucky."
She: "Her body stirred in her gown causing a tremor."
She: "We are two friends and like each other, why should not want each other?"

His feverish frame was no longer content to nestle his face between her breasts,
now he was pulsating to enter all the way. He kept hearing her words over and over
and again and again in the darkness of the place with an unbearable urgency.
No sooner he reached home, he took out pen and paper to write scraps, phrases
lines as they came tumbling into his head.

"Kind to the World but to itself unkind,
A worm is born, that dying noiselessly,
Despoils itself to clothe fair limbs and he,
In its true worth by death alone divined,

Oh, would that I might die for her to find,
Raiment in my outworn mortality!
That changing like the snake, I might be free,
To cast the slough wherein I dwell confined!

Nay were it mine, that shaggy fleece that stays,
Woven and wrought into a vestment fair,
Around her beauteous bosom in such bliss,!

Although the day she would clasp me, would I were
The shoes that bear her burden! When the ways
Were wet with rain, her feet I should then kiss!"

After a few days he again visited the place. But he did not see her.
The scene had changed. The captain's wife and children had arrived and the
house was full of family humdrum and noise. But not her.
Alarmed and afraid, he left abruptly under an excuse of being late and all that,
His feet carried him swiftly up to the road to her villa. He did not know what he
would do once he got there. What he would say how he would explain when some one
of her family might open the gate for her. Trembling himself, he half walked,
half ran up to the foothill road.

The front gate was unbolted. He went to the front door, knocked again and again.
Just as he was beginning to think that none was home, and that he had acted stupidly,
the door opened a crack. She stood attired in a loose gown, her hair hanging down her back,

without cosmetics or jewels smelling of shampoo and her face looked to him
more beautiful, her body more desirable because it was unornamented.

He stepped inside the door. There was no sound in the house.

She closed and bolted the door. Then they were in a passionate embrace,

their bodies merging knee to knee,
breasts to chest, their mouths moist and sweet, glued and drinking each other's saliva,
and their arms with the power of unquenchable vigour and urgency crushing each
other in a total pulsating time and place embrace.

She led him to her bedroom. She had nothing on beneath the robe.
Her slender body, the red pointed breasts the grey Mount of Venus were
as if his eyes had known them all along, a full female made for love.

It was like penetrating into a wet valley of love which opened up to its full
like a balloon opening up to receive him in an urgent welcome and he felt his thrust
entering in a warm channel of bliss and happiness waiting eagerly to bathe him
with her thin liquid surface, penetrating deeper and deeper until he reached
the explosive climax and all of his fluid strength, love, passion, desire, got poured
into her, made to love the hand of the true companion he felt proud for life,
had responded likewise with equal vigour and eagerness to swallow each drop of his
energy into her.

"She is so lovely, when she laughs! When she looks with

her eye-balls up in the sky, I am sure she is dazed of me.

She is such a darling and so good! She is happy and surprised

that I am not a bit superficial as I look. She must have grown

to love me as a friend. That is enough for the time being.

I have just jotted down whatever came to my mind.

I have the feeling that she and me share a secret.

We look at each other only when mother is not around.

In mother's presence we do not know each other.

If she looks at me with those eyes which wink and laugh,

a little light lights within me giving me happiness.

I hope it remains like this forever.

There must be something she has guessed about me.

She certainly can not love me as I appear.

She does not know the inner me.

I doubt if she is able to look beyond and penetrate the concrete-armour

I am wearing to project a different self to the world.

Will she ever reach there? It is said love often springs from pity.

Will it happen? No I don't love her. I only want to talk to her and pass my time.

Mother thinks that she is in love with me.

She also says that she keeps on looking at me."

" I am in a very difficult position. Mother is against me.

She is against her. But I am not against her. I don't know of her.

But she closes her eyes not to see the silent battle between mother and me.

Luckily I am quite used to hiding my feelings.

I manage myself well not to reveal my inner feelings about anything to anyone.

She does not understand us. We are happy just sitting together

and not uttering a word. When she lies with her arm under her head,

as if sleeping, she looks like a child. When she plays with the pet,

she is lovely sight to see. When she plays the shots on the field,

she looks full of stuff and energy."

"When she is plucking the roses or running in the forest after the

pet animals, then she is live. When she is so awkward and clumsy

with mother, she is a darling. Of the numberless steps to my heart

perhaps she climbed one or two."

Today, She was alone.
It was late evening.
She had a hectic day at the Studio.
She was on her chair making efforts to locate her message-board.
She tried to decide what action to take about her personal affair.
The breeze from the river-front coming through the open window was refreshing.
As she rolled her chair here and there aimlessly not knowing what
she wanted or what course of action she liked to take about her path in life,
she sat still statue doing nothing in the end, her mind working in all sides in turmoil.

It was hard to imagine a famous small screen-TV star, as she was, caught
in such an embarrassing situation helplessly involved in future course of action about
her life. Generally Mary the companion cum secretary used to be with her.
Today she was detained at a social gathering and being alone gave her a
chance to think about her personal course of action at the cross-roads of
her career on the one side and her love for him on the other,

and decide about her personal choice about them.

Most girls experience such a stage in life after the age of puberty.
She had not allowed physical demands to interfere with her progress
in life. She had mercilessly killed her feelings dreams about love affection
and all these things in pursuit of her profession. She had not experienced
the mental agony and pain a girl feels when she sheds her childhood life
and enters a stage of life, a damsel in demand by all and sundry and ultimately
confronted to be a victim through the process of womanhood.

After College days, after her performance in College-dramas and her
bright record at the dance academy, Z-TV engaged her as their anchor
interviewing famous Film-Stars and world dignitaries.
She was the host of many popular serials and TV shows which were
famous and rated as first class with five stars.

Her charisma was so captivating that she had been nick-named

as Venus, an incarnation of modern age Venus.
She had never entered into the dirty lane of scandals to her name.
She had remained normal healthy young damsel with no health problems
like acne, weight-gain or any other disease and she was never at the mercy of the Fate.

It appeared she was born as one of the luckiest persons on the Earth.
Everything had come to her naturally without asking and in due course of time
without any toil or tears.

She had wonderful parents and a loving younger brother who worshipped her
as an image of idol for him in his life. This encouraged her in every walk of life.
They adored her beauty and did everything in their power to educate her Mind.

It was during her studies in the college that she got acquainted with Him.
It happened the way it happens to all girls. No is no negative to a girl.
She never wanted to involve with any one emotionally or physically.
But it happened naturally and normally without her knowing that she
was in the midst of cross-roads tonight serious about making a choice
between him and her career and profession.

He had a manly and dominating personality.
He could not be called quite handsome.
He could not be called ugly or bad looking.
He was the best orator and a good student of human psychology.
During the rehearsals of the college-celebration function, she came in
touch with him during the rehearsals of the English Shakespearian one piece
of Merchant of Venice. Her role as Portia was a tough and demanding one. She had
immortalised herself in this difficult task for her memorable performance.
Ultimately it happened as it happens with everyone. She fell in love with him.
He was few years her older. He was the student's leader in the University

and all other colleges in the university campus.

He was from the family class of teachers and professors who had devoted their life
in the field of education. The family had a name in the social circle as public workers.
Both got attracted to one another like a magnet attracts a pin. Their attraction was real.

After graduation and also a law degree, He had joined the law offices

of Homi-Wadia & Sons. Here he gained experience and maturity

about legal aspects of life. He worked very hard.

He projected himself as an authority on the intricate subject of

Human Relations and Family matters and family problems and disputes.

He also worked as an advisor and legal representative of film TV actors including her.

They were friends but whispering tongues poisoned the truth.
People said many things about him.
No one could say that he was not handsome.
He was tall slender and graceful.
He had a sort of an animal type of grace that attracted the ladies

despite their unwillingness to involve in any relationship. He had a seductive youthfulness.
He was a flatterer. He had the inborn quality to make out tales after tales

which the ladies liked to hear him narrate again and again.
He often wondered how people swallowed his crap, and how he

managed to escape himself unchallenged. He simply had no idea.
It was luck or his instinct to make the right acquaintance

at the right time, and make exit at the right time.
His gestures were calculated with mathematical precision and

his every smile wink handshake were well rehearsed.

He had the knack to find out the families who would be useful.

She felt deep pity for him She saw him as a helpless captive in the hands of religion.
She also felt something else. She could not explain.

It was an impulse but she experienced a physical need to touch him.

This urge was so strong that when she spoke to him,

She pat him on his hand or put her hand on his thigh etc.
Such innocent gestures very deeply kept him disturbed.

Something really tangible happened. He had finished his routine

work and was about to retire to his place.
She crossed the path and stood invitingly mocking.
She was absorbed in her game but at ease as she had seen him

completing his outdoor job and returning on break for rest and lunch.

She laid her hand on his shoulder dragging him near as if she intended to

reveal a secret. He listened. Both, thereafter, with their hands entangled,

departed towards his room on the top of the mansion.

His hand came to rest on her shoulder. It moved down her back.

She felt it went still deeper. She had a jittering of her body unknown to her.

It came with an intensity which she never knew it was possible.

It had lasted about a minute. It was total.

It was so full and all-encompassing that it had an effect of an explosion

she felt for all the time, she had lived and of all the years yet to be lived.
Now she was certain God existed. Now she could die without regret.

There are two tragedy in life.
One is not to get your Heart's desire.
The other one is to get the Heart's desire and feel still unhappy.
On his part, he was torn into two.
He was a victim of his own ego.
A life time of happiness, no man alive could bear it.
It would be Hell on Earth.

The local gossip paper reporter was after him to have a sensational story out of him.
He had evaded all his questions in a go to hell devil may care free attitude.
But the reporter had a smell of a scandal and was waiting to pounce on him.
News like squirrels run faster and faster once they are in black and white.
It is Star Dust reporter's job to print scandals and raise hell.
She exacted an interview with him which revealed some vague hints but nothing
substantial. Some progress was done but much more was required to be followed.
Man can climb to the highest summit but he can not dwell there long enough.
He thinks he is moral in the midst of an immoral circle of society in

which we have to live. He has to deal with people whose

business is over ladies to lean and flirt
and stare and simper in the name of shooting film shots for

serials and luring teenage nymphets to do what generally they would not want to do.

An Interview.

Question. Hi long time no see?
My answer. Sort of.
Question. Where you been?
My answer. Moving.
Question. Did U find Valentine?
My answer. Sort of.
Question. In USA?
My answer. Here.
Question. Here? where?
My answer. Here.
Question. Where she live?
My answer. Here.
Question. Address.
My answer. Ashram.
Question. Ashram? U kidding.
My answer. Near Ashram.
Question. Which?
My answer. Near Bank.
Question. Bank where?
My answer. Bank there.
Question. More details.
My answer. Mehbuba's lane.
Question. Fixed?
My answer. Sort of.
Question. What is this sort of?
My answer. Sort of.
Question. Fix 100%?
My answer. Fix on my part.
Question. She agreed?
My answer. I don't know.
Question. Then how U say fix?
My answer. 50% fix.
Question. Now 50%?
My answer. 100% fix on my part.
Question. What of her?
My answer. I don't know.
Question. Really U got hit?
My answer. Like Thunderbolt hit.
Question. Both roamed together?
My answer. In dream.
Question. Then what U see?
My answer. A glimpse?
Question. That's all?
My answer. That's all.
Question. U settled in a glimpse?
My answer. Sort of.
Question. R U Crazy?
My answer. Mad very mad in love.

Question. But when you knew her?
My answer. Before years.
Question. Years?
My answer. Years.
Question. One?
My answer. No.
Question. Two?
My answer. No.
Question. Five?
My answer. No.
Question. Ten?
My answer. No.
Question. Twenty?
My answer. sort of.

Question. Where U spot her?
My answer. Here.
Question. Here where?
My answer. Here.
Question. Must be a place no?
My answer. It is a place.
Question. What place?
My answer. Old building.
Question. Old building where?
My answer. Old building here.
Question. On CG road?
My answer. Near to it. sort of.
Question. Is it a house?
My answer. Sort of.
Question. Is she living in it?
My answer. No.
Question. What she doing.?
My answer. Attending.
Question. What attending?
My answer. Attending her profession.
Question. Where was She?
My answer. In the big Hall.
Question. Big Hall?
My answer. Yes. Big Hall.
Question. What is big Hall?
My answer. Big hall is big Hall.
Question. Must be Sports Club.
My answer. No.
Question. No?
My answer. Yes. No.
Question. Dinesh Hall?
My answer. No.
Question. Premabhai Hall?
My answer. Big Hall.
Question. Let it pass.
My answer. U were almost there.

Question. What was she doing?
My answer. Sitting.
Question. Sitting where? On what?
My answer. Sitting.
Question. On chair?
My answer no.
Question. Sofa?
My answer. No.
Question. Then on what?
My answer. She was sitting.
Question. Yes, on ground.
My answer. No.
Question. Alright let it pass.
My answer. U were almost there.
Question. What were U doing?
My answer. I entered.
Question. What U did?
My answer. I found a vacant place.
Question. Where?
My answer. Besides her.
Question. Side by side?
My answer. No. sort of.
Question. No and sort of? What is this?
My answer. It is this.
Question. U sit on chair?
My answer. No.
Question. U standing?
My answer. No.
Question. Then U sitting where?
My answer. Near her.
Question. Side by side?
My answer. No.
Question. Behind her?
My answer. No.
Question. In front of her?
My answer. No.
Question. For God's sake, where?
My answer. Adjacent to her.
Question. Let it pass.
My answer. U were almost there.

Question. What U did?
My answer. I sat.
Question. What U were doing?
My answer. Watching. listening.
ion.            Then?
My answer. I side-glanced.
Question. Then?
My answer. I looked on my side.
Question when?
My answer. After a while.
Question. How long?
My answer. After I had settled.
Question. Then?
My answer. I saw a loveliest glimpse of face.
Question. Then?
My answer. Shocked and nervous I moved my head.
Question. Did she know?
My answer. Of course.
Question. U moved head, Where?
My answer. I looked straight.
Question. Straight where?
My answer. Straight there where I had to.
Question. Then?
My answer. Nervous, I again glanced at her feet.
Question. Then?
Question. Did she know?
My answer. Of course.
Question. What she do?
My answer. She moved her foot.
Question. Then?
My answer. I stared there.
Question. You made a pass?
My answer. Sort of
Question. Did she know?
My answer. Yes.
Question. Then?
My answer. She was shocked.
Question. Then?
My answer. She went red.
Question. Then?
My answer. She moved her foot.
Question. Then?
My answer. I stared and stared.
Question Then?
My answer. She showed her sandal.
Question. Then?
My answer. She raised her foot again and again.
Question. Then?
My answer. I stared at her lovely ankle.
Question. Then?
My answer. She removed sandal.
Question. How?
My answer. I don't know.
Question. Then?
My answer. I saw her bare foot.
Question. Then?
My answer. Pointed at sandal with her foot thumb.
Question. Then?
My answer. I did not understand.
Question. Then?
My answer. Again pointed at the sandal.
Question. Was it a message?
My answer. Yes. I did not know then.
Question. Then?
My answer. At first I did not follow.
Question. Then?
My answer. Light dawned in me.
Question. Then?
My answer. I withdrew.
Question. Then?
My answer. I sat still.
Question. Was she angry?
My answer. She had gone red.
Question Did she slap U?
My answer. She would have.
Question. What you mean?
My answer. She could not.
Question. Then?
My answer. I sat still. Statue.
Question. Then?
My answer. I was nervous.
Question. Then?
My answer. I listened.
Question. What she did?
My answer. She was listening attentively.
Question. Which is this place?
My answer. The Big Hall.
Question. Big Hall where?
My answer. In Old Building.
Question. What was time.
My answer. Morning.
Question. Cultural function in morning?
My answer. It was not cultural function.
Question. Then what was it?
My answer. It is attending.
Question. What was time?
My answer. 11.30.
Question. What you did?
My answer. I sat statue.
Question. How long?
My answer. Quite long.
Question. Was there audience?
My answer. It is attendance.
Question. How many?
My answer. Many.
Question. Ten?
My answer. No
Question. Then how many? Hundred?
My answer. Sort of.
Question. How long U sit statue?
My answer. Quite long.
Question. One hour?
My answer. No.
Question. Two?
My answer. Sort of.
Question. Let it pass.
My answer. U were almost there.
Question. Tell her name.
My answer. Anamika.
Question. Her Real Name.
My answer. It is all imagination.
Question. My God! All this Fiction?
My answer. As U like it.

All that glory was in the Old building

and all the more majestic and gorgeous was the Big Hall.

What a Life that was !

Her thick, wavy, long black hair gracefully falls down
to her shoulders and encircles her oval-shaped face.
A golden suntan usually brings out her smooth,
clear complexion and high cheek bones.
Her slightly arched brown eyebrows highlight her emotions
by moving up and down as she reacts to her world around her.
Her large deep eyes, remind me of a lake on a stormy day.
Her curved nose gives her, a little girl's look that makes
me want to smile when she talks.
And her mouth is gift of Venus, a mouth outlined by thin lips
that she need not accentuates with glossy pink lipstick.
When she smiles, which is often, her well formed and even,
white teeth brighten up her whole face.
I guess you can tell that I am mad about her.
She is as beautiful as a Hollywood Star.

The reporter got a hint from one of his blogs that there was sure
a girl in his life. She was already on a look out for a story.
She who can does, and he who can not teaches.
The Golden rule is that there is no Golden Rule.
All is fit to be news which readers like to read.

Of course, she never denied any of it aloud,
Of course she never agreed to any of it in private.

What could he make for his love for her?
He was warned of the dangers of any romantic attachment.
This was his weakness.
He was ignoring the Advice.
He had come for attending a limited issue and go back.
As fate would have it, it lasted 18 years.

Quite simply put, the very sight of her, the very sound of her
made him change his resolution.

The way she moved, her happiness, her sorrow, all this,
made him love her.

The world was pleasant when she was with him.
He felt the food was delicious.
He did not feel the mid-day heat.
He felt the mid-day cool and enjoyable.

He had heard her voice this very morning.
He had phoned her that he was coming.
He had caught happiness in her voice on hearing this.
Of course she made no comments about it.
He had faith some day she would truly love her.

She was an exception.
She was perhaps the only woman on this earth
who dressed to try to down-play her beauty.
Not that she tried to look ugly but she came to
regard her beauty as dangerous for her profession.
She dressed pure and simple in ivory white.
She tried to identify herself with those hundreds of
miserable girls whom mother nature did not bestow beauty.

The suppressed grace, the beauty tried to escape from bondage
and revealed what really she actually contained in her.
More she concealed, more it was revealed.



The new Life at the new Place.

Ten years of her life had passed in the old building.  She felt as if it was yesterday that she a new entrant in the field of this intricate profession had put her feet in the old building.  She took off the veteran’s façade, she had earned in this profession during these ten years from her mind, and felt as if she were a new entrant in the new atmosphere of the new building. She recalled that nothing concrete happened during the past ten years as per her calculation.  She prayed  the new place would prove lucky and promising.  She decided to take more interest in everything that came to her during the course of her life in the new atmosphere. The new lot of juniors were so swollen with pride and self-consciousness that she knew that they would prove a burden on her than help.  She will have to reconstruct her professional time table all by herself.  In her talk with her juniors she had made it clear that each one will have to work harder and will have to do a lot of leg-work to familiarize themselves with the location of different courts on different floors quite at a distance from her office.  There should be no chaos and no over-lapping of attendance in each court.  The library was situated at the bottom of the building and reference books were required to be procured much in advance to avoid any untoward situation while arguing.

She was now past thirty. In the opinion of those who understood such things, she was accounted one of the dazzling rival in this profession. She paid no attention to the various advances the colleagues made to approach her on different pretext and for one reason or the other. She knew it all but kept a straight face and an innocent demeanor look.   The language had to be replete with pranks and word-play as when a word in the sarcastic line of discussion is split into two and a pause and a wordless melody is thrust between the syllables.  This is effectively done with words and improper word and at this point all hold their breath as if hit with a blow and instantly turning the first word into a regular daily use phrase of the profession. In any case this aspect did not particularly interest her at this moment. Not because she was of a frigid nature. No, she was not frigid.  Her lithe attractive body was often visited by desire which were like mild tremors in a blossoming tree in the spring.  She longed for something substantial worthy of a celestial love that is often like ethereal music in the heart of a maiden girl. This much is certain; she is beautiful.  Her intelligence was sure much above average and she had independent disparaging opinion of administrators and their roving eyes.

This kind of desire came into man’s possession in the epics beginning perhaps in the golden age when its first vision appeared in the hollow beat of the drums and had been the means of differentiating between a man and a flirt.  She had waited impatiently and solemnly for the first flowering of love in its real sense of the term.  She had felt herself surrounded by flirts since she had attained age. She had kept them all at a distance by her severe look and attitude.  She wanted pure and simple love without asking.  She liked to be with them for the sake of company and pass the time but the stuff they were made of was not suitable for the kind of love she expected. At the right age she had an insight into the secrets of sex with all its regular and irregular conjugations versified and rhymed in the depths of her soul and there remained an element of loathing for men who were flirts.  She knew a healthy small doze of loathing for them is the most dependable chastity belt.

After some months she abandoned the duplex on the mehbuba  lane near the bank and shifted near the shah colony in order to be free of traffic congestion and chaos on the high way.

Her First Day at the New Building conjured a sense of mixed feeling of excitement and sorrow.  She had been familiar with every inch of space of the old building. Her memory was full of untold experience and excitement in the old building.  She was not sure whether the new place would prove lucky for her. Time is the deciding factor in such cases.  She concentrated in her driving.  She had left her place some-what early lest she might miss the mentioning.

The telephone poles darted past her car and grew hobbling in the other direction as if they too wanted to emigrate to the new site along with her. When the car travel west her heart felt that everything hastened to move east-way.  Her car crept along the busy road, there were noises and honking of horns all the way.  She was approaching the site of the new building.

They were now in the new developing side of the city.

The image of the Old Building was now fading from her mind

The high way road to the new site was in immediate need of widening.

It was beginning of 1999. Vast open space came into view here and there.

The whole convoy followed as the Institution moved to the new building.

The old building had been abandoned.

The scene had changed.

They were on the other side of the city.    (contd…)



OF WOMAN AND WOMANHOOD. WHAT THE EYE DOES NOT SEE, THE HEART DOES NOT GRIEVE ABOUT. Man can not rise up to the occasion. He meets with failure. Thereafter he writes poems - they are absurd regrets of a loser. TILL THEY MEET AGAIN. Burnt finger. Burnt hand. Burnt heart. Burnt body. Burnt mind. Burnt soul. Burnt bridges. THE SILENT TOAST TO THE PONY TAIL. WILL THE EFFORTS HELP OR HURT?



                    CHAPTER 3

                     SLOW AND STEADY.  

Both were tired. They felt as if they worked in a chimney.  Both looked like chimney-sweepers.

They got busy shaking dust and dirt from their clothes. He walked over to her. He asked her to go with him to the brook.  She kept quiet, as if not listening.  She was not willing to go any farther.

He:   “Air, and plenty of fresh air you got now.”

She does not respond. She looks at the sky. She is in deep thought.

He:   “What is wrong?”

He:   “Will you not speak?”

She averted the face.  She was in two minds.

He left her alone to the mercy of her bad mood.

He went down towards the brook to check water for a good wash.   At a distance he saw birds hovering and chirping in circular chorus.  That means there was water. It was not dry.

He ran to her to fetch her to the brook. His look was entreating.   After a while, she followed with tired legs. She was in no mood to move further.

With a sigh of tiredness she walked round the place,

Her steps were not steady. There was no life. She was dragging herself to the brook just to please his fancy.  She approached the site with a sigh.

And she came upon him washing himself.

He had taken off his shirt, with rolled breaches on his hips.  He was ducking his head with water. She wanted to retreat, but in the dripping gloom of the forest, she started to tremble uncontrollably. The white torso of the man she hated, seemed beautiful,


His white and firm body with silky fur skin maddened her senses. Never mind his stern face and his hard eyes !  Never mind his stupid personality!  His body in itself was divine, reflecting through the gloom like a revelation.  It was with great difficulty that she brought herself back to her normal self.

She walked into the shallow waters.


She moved and had a splash with the water.

He ran after, snatched her from her waist belt, and lifted her like a basket.  She was out to get herself freed. She applied all force at her command to free herself from his grip. She was an excellent opponent.  Result.


It was expected. There was a noise when the buckle of the belt gave away. Both got thrown in opposite sides. It was mishap. Both tumbled down in the water, all wet drenched and dripping with water. Had he not pulled her she would have gone overboard in deep wet soil.


She: “Now, Look! What you have done to me? You got me all wet!   She shouted with mock annoyance.

She:  “You got me all wet and I am shivering!” “How shall I change?” 


He let go of his grip. He put aside from her face, a lock of hair with his fingers.

He:  “I’m sorry”

She:      “What sorry! Everything is covered by being sorry?”

He:  “I am really, really sorry.”

Both set at the end stones of the brook with their feet dangling in water. Both finished cleaning. Both sat side by side easy with each other.




They felt chilly and wet in their drenched clothes. Her cheeks had gone rosy. An icy shiver curled down her spine. The hair at her neck pricked. She shook her head to clear it and winced. Her scalp burned. The roots of her hair tingled and burned. The valley between her shoulder blades was sore. Her arms throbbed with fatigue and tiredness. She was exhausted due to the strain of the day. 


They rushed back to the cave hurriedly. Rain began to pour in the meantime.

They were shivering of cold.  Cold wind was biting them, causing shudders. They were in need of complete rest. Both were dog tired. Both were without spare clothes with them.

He:  “Take this.”

He gave her the sack. He took the overnight bag.

He carried the over-night bag and was off to the inner place.

She was reluctant. She was determined not to go in the back of the cave. She wanted to pass her time in the front. She stood there for quite a while. Fierce rain, hard wind and her wet clothes forced her to change her mind. She was helpless. She was alone in the lobby. She got scared of the loneliness.  After long deliberation she moved in. She had taken her step to her doom. 

Once inside, both tried to dry the clothes with bare hands.  Once inside, both tried to be informal and happy.  He opened the over-night bag, took out some newspapers, spread them on the floor. He took out the packet of sandwiches and bottle of wine as if ready to eat and drink. He had a blanket and a tablecloth in the sack.

He: “We’ll have to dry ourselves”

She: “Yes. I am too cold. I am shivering.

(She was shivering, shuddering and trembling. Her teeth were chattering. Her face covered with water drops.)


He: “Better take out your dress!”

She refused flatly. She was shocked.

He: “Don’t be funny. You will catch cold and catch pneumonia. You have pinafore beneath. What is the matter?”

He:-“Please don’t stand to formalities. You will kill yourself.”


She was annoyed that he knew details of what females wore within. It was not his business.

She:  (she muttered to herself) “Yes.”

Her body was shaking and teeth chattering.

He:  “I’m going to undress myself.”

He:  “I do not want to catch cold.”


He took the blanket and went in one corner to undress. He was a hustler. He knew his limitation. He was smart enough to be straightforward when he had to. He knew the rules.

In the meantime, she finding herself alone unbuttoned her frock.  She handed it over to him to hang somewhere to dry. 

He was utterly oblivious to her partial undress.  He picked up sandwiches and bottle of wine and both eagerly swallowed it. They felt very hungry and tired. The food  with the wine brought some energy in them.  Suddenly  he let out a whistle of surprise.

She:  “Now what? What is the matter?”

He:   “Good God!”

He:   “You are all wet still.”

He:   “Your pinafore sandals and everything is dripping with water.”

He:   “You will catch pneumonia.” “What to do?”

She: “My legs have gone icy.”

He:   “You take out all your clothes to dry.”

He:   “Take the table cloth and you wrap around like a sari.” 


He took charge of the situation and ordered.

She: “Take off inner clothes?”

She: “Are you crazy?”

She gasped in horror.

A faint smile appeared on his face. He shrugged.

He: `”Suit yourself.”

He:  “Kill yourself.”

She glared at him mischievously, mildly. She bit her lips. What he said was sense.

Her embarrassment came in the way. Her modesty ruled out undressing in his presence.

On other hand her common sense told her that it was the only sensible thing to do.

She: “Will you crawl back to the front door?”

She: “Check up if the rain stopped.”

She: “We may as well leave.”

He:   “OK!”

He agreed. He rose instantly.


He ran to the hole and out in the front to check up if the rain had stopped.  She hurriedly shed all her clothes. She spread them on the floor in one corner. She wrapped the tablecloth around her. It revealed her figure prominently. She sat on the floor as if nothing happened supporting herself with the back of the wall.

He returned in the meantime. He reported that rain had not stopped. He lowered his frame besides her. He patted her shoulder. He looked at her with love and tenderness. He was all butter and honey.

He: “You are everything.”

He: “How can I harm you?”

He: “How can I misbehave?” 

He: “How can I take advantage of you?”

He: “So relax.”

He: “Don’t be afraid.”


Her arms crossed over her bosom. She was having tremor of cold. She was shivering. The tablecloth wrapped around her came up to her knees. It clearly revealed lovely ankles.

He never imagined ladies could have such slender ankles and shapely legs. Her figure, the shape, the frame were a sight to see.  It was her capital-all she had. She was not looking. Her head rested on her knees. She was silent. She was horrified.   She was nervous. Her eyes were closed as if resting, not sleeping rather dozing. He did not like her shyness, awkwardness in such a situation.

He asked if she was comfortable.

She:  “Yes.” “I’m better now.”

Both felt drowsy. Both felt relaxed. Both felt sleepy. The tension had gone. She was at ease and relaxed. She raised her arms in an effort to stretch them. She stretched her tired legs. She massaged her calf. She moved her body sideways to shed her fatigue. No help would be coming from anyone. She was all by herself to take care of herself.  She had placed herself in a vulnerable situation by coming with him.


She was tired beyond imagination. Her left arm was wrapped around her. Her right arm alternately pinched her forearms. Her attention turned to the tips of her fingers.

They had turned blue. She frowned. She blamed herself for putting herself in such a situation. She was trembling and shivering with cold.

She:  “I wonder what time it must be!”

He:   “It must be around six in the evening.”

She jerked her chin in his direction.

She:  “Do you think it might have stopped raining?”

He:    “May I crawl and check up?”


She:  “Go.”

She:  “Yes”

She:  “Please do”

She:  “But do not go out” it was said with concern.

He goes. He gazed out from the bottom step through the hole. Then he had to climb to the top. In the meantime she stands up, stretched her legs which were almost cramped.

She stretched her hands, sides, back her whole self. She felt better. He returned and reported that it was raining cats and dogs. He sat close to her.  Both got entangled to each other to protect them from shivering.  They huddled together drawing heat from each other. He put his hands around. She looks wide-eyed. She flinched and winced.

She:  “You do not think we will be struck up for a while?”  

She:  “Or perhaps longer”

He smiled reassuringly.  His eyes were soft and tender and loving.

He:  “Of course not!”

He:  “Are you silly?”

He:  “We will have to leave soon”

He:  “You have not to be afraid of me.”

He:  “Relax” “Be easy”

He:  “Be normal.”

He:  “Be natural.”

He:  “I’ll do nothing improper.”

Hearing assurance from him, she felt happy. She felt relaxed.  She felt at home. She had crouched closer to him. He put his arms around her. He began to caress her back. He began to rub her back with his palms. She felt nice and happy. They remained huddled to each other for a while in an attempt to warm up each other.

He:   “There it is!”

He:   “Feel any better?”

She: “Yes”

It all began perfectly naturally. His rubbing turned into caressing.  The caressing turned into stroking.  He stroked her body. She felt quite heated. He rubbed, caressed stroked her face, neck shoulders, back front, everything. She swallowed hard as he stroked the upper swell of her breast; dipped and nuzzled the cleft in between them. Her skin burned to his touch. Her desire was at its peak. She did not stir. She liked. She did not protest. She was enjoying. Her eyes were closed.  He massaged her sulky body vigorously sending wild sensuous messages through his palms. It looked she was losing consciousness and about to faint in agony.  It was only when he shifted himself full length towards her, and took her breasts in his hands and started squeezing the nipples vigorously and hovered on top of her in an attempt to kiss her lips, to kiss her on her mouth that she flinched, winced. She drew back. She looked up wide-eyed. She stared surprised. She regained herself. She got herself disentangled from his embrace. She moved out to a distant place near the wall away from him, sat with support of the wall at a respectful distance from him.


He:     “Oh!”

He:     ”By God!” 

He:     “It was a mistake, an accident on my part! I had not intended to touch there. It all happened in an unknowing way.”

He:     “Purely without my knowing”

He;     “Oh!” “I feel so disgusted. I am really sorry.”

He:     “I would never do any harm to you”

He:     “You are perfectly safe with me”

He:     “I would never do again”


He:     “I swear by God.” “I promise”

He:     “I will sure behave” “Forgive me”

He:     “Believe me” “Trust me”

He:     “You are shivering. Please be back here.”


She did not reply. She kept quiet. She did not budge.  There was tightness in her groins.   She felt desire had overtaken her normal senses. She realized. She was susceptible to any folly in her helplessness.  She was on her guard. Enough was enough. She decided.  She was worried about the consequences. She felt concerned.  She repented for her recklessness. She blamed herself.

As it is, she had allowed him to take lot of liberty.  She wanted to end the chapter right there.

She was alarmed the way he had advanced with her.  She had given him enough liberty. 

On the other hand, according to him things progressed as per schedule.    She was alert now. She was engrossed in her own worries and problems.

He:       “How are you feeling? Any better?”

She:     “I’m fine here. You do not worry about me. I am quite all right. I think the rain might have stopped by now. We will have to be backing home before it gets late.”

She leaned against the wall stretching her legs and raising her arms in an attempt to shed cold and stop shivering. She was trying to behave normal natural not worried.


He:   “Please yourself”

He:   “Kill yourself”

He:   “Catch pneumonia”

He uttered with utter dismay in his voice. 


Long silence developed. Rain was pouring outside in cats and dogs. Nobody spoke. Both were silent. Time passed. It must be around seven in the evening.  Atmosphere was charged with suspense. There was tension in the atmosphere.  He rested his head on his knees attempting to sleep. She saw.

He stole surreptitious glances.  A light of cracking thunderbolt blazed inside as if nature had opened up a search light in the cave. His eyes popped up. In the brief second, he had a glimpse of her figure in silhouette. Her whole figure was revealed and see. Flimsy tablecloth was really flimsy in the real sense of the term. She hugged the tablecloth around her in an attempt to conceal; it quite revealed. The firm breasts pressed against the knees provoked him to a point of no return. Outline of her thigh was captivating maddening him almost entirely. The long columns of her legs promised still better greenery inside.  Silhouette of the slender frame of her body was seen sending wild messages.   He could not take his eyes off her. He was almost mesmerized.   A sense of thrill passed through him. He was all-eager now.   He got excited beyond control.  He was stimulated beyond limits.   He was ready to take any risk to get her.  She looked like an over-ripe fruit to be possessed, eat it there and there.   She appeared to him as a fragrant flower emitting sweet smell.   He lost all his senses. He thought of pushing himself to her side.  He got sexually stimulated.   He wanted a release. He got aroused.


She was the thing he craved at the moment.   He was never aroused like this before.  He had not seen a girl in nude so scantily dressed so close.

He was shaken by the intensity of his desire for her.  His breathing had become shallow.   He was ready for the action.  All his senses were directed towards her.  His eyes narrowed, his gaze locking with hers.




Her heart also skipped beats. She swallowed hard. She realized. She felt her throat and the mouth dry.  Both were waiting. There was suspense in the atmosphere.  

None in his life had appealed to him in such a fascinating way.   His throat was dry, his voice tight, and he felt all his veins pulling and stretching.  His body ached in an untold pain and agony.   His senses had gone paralyzed. He did not know what to do.   He would have collapsed. He thought fit to take away the eyes from her. He gazed at the top and the walls. He attempted to control and be normal.  He suppressed his throbbing desires to possess her. There was enough time for everything.


It was she who broke the silence. He returned from reverie and wild dreams. She said in a small voice.

She:  “I am so cold. My legs have gone icy. I think I shall die.”

He swung his head to look at her. She was curled up in the corner near the wall. She was shivering, shuddering and her teeth chattering.

He:  “May I come and sit with you?”

Without waiting for an answer, he rushed to her, wrapped hands around her.  He straightened her bent knees.  He lifted her and made her stand on her feet at the wall.  He took out the blanket, spread it on the floor, and made her lie down on it.  He reclined himself besides her emitting his heat in her.  Both lay there for quite a while.


He covered her with his body. Her skin began to warm.  Only then she realized how cold she had been. The warmth seeped into her. 


Their body rubbed against each other. It made her catch her breath for the reason that she needed it so badly. To need it is have it. She was lucky to have it. All do need but can’t have it.  She felt better. She was recovering.  She had her eyes closed.  She felt she would die of shame and shyness.  Both bodies got entangled in a tight embrace.  He had covered her with his full size frame. 

He:  “Let us not die.”

He:  “We want to live.”

He:  “What to do?”

He;  “Oh! God!”

He:  “Stop the storm!”

He:  “Keep us warm!”


His embrace did warm her.   Her skin was damp in many places.  Her teeth for sure, had stopped chattering.  She felt warm and color returning to her cheeks.   Her heart hammered beneath her breasts. She felt it would spring out of her body.  Her veins started getting stretched and pulled.  She experienced a sort of unknown sensation.   Her body was drawing heat from his frame. Gradually she was returning normal.  Her shivering and shuddering seemed stopped.  She felt better. She liked it.  She drew closer to him drawing heat from him.  She cradled herself clung to his body as if never to leave it.   She was feeling cozy comfortable and relaxed in his tight embrace.

She felt on top of the world in the worst of the circumstances.  She was not afraid. Her shyness was ebbing.  She was reacting to his heat.  She wanted to be loved and fondled.  She was no longer intimidated. She was no longer unwilling and protesting.  She was responding, ready to go all the way.  


The floor of the cave and the blanket looked like she was in a palace on a huge bed.   She was lying on a meager blanket but she did not want to leave it.  It was a mere blanket spread on a hard ground; yet the downiest coach in the world or the softest bed in the king’s palace could not have made a better resting place for her. She felt as if she were in Heaven. She felt relaxed safe and comfortable.  He continued to rub her arms. He continued to rub her face, her chin, neck, shoulders, her breasts and everything.  He rubbed her legs with his own.

His toe moved to her ankle, knee higher and higher all the way up. Her icy skin started turning normal. He felt as if his legs were moving in satin.  He could not resist the feel of her voluptuous body.  He wanted her urgently without any delay.   He was guarded. He was careful. He was on an alert.   He controlled himself.  Her breath was fast. She was responding. She was panting.  Her heart was throbbing. Her face had gone red like fire.  She opened her eyes; she stretched her body, shook it, and rather pulled it.   She looked up. Her eyes were glowing. Her lips parted, her mouth opened.  She grinned at him, revealing her white teeth.  He moved his hand up her face, removed the lock of hair that had come up on her face.   He ran the fingers on every part of the body.  He fell back on his back and closed his eyes. She felt as if electric current was passing through her.  He caressed her head, cheeks, neck, shoulders, arms, and every place.  She felt good to be in his arms. She liked to lie cuddled in his arms. She felt something between them had changed. Her hatred for him had not been there.  She felt some liking for him.  She was moved by his efforts to comfort her.   She felt she had not returned his feelings for her. 



She felt she had been unduly harsh towards him. She felt relaxed, cozy, and happy, that she hid her head in his shoulders out of shame and shyness.  She clung to him violently.  She felt tingly live warm happy.  She felt her skin, breast, legs, hands her neck, tighten. She felt as if her body expanded and wanted his warm contact more and more.  She felt her body twitching pulling, expanding, and releasing hot air from within.   She smelt the aroma that was familiar, a message, symptom that it yearned for company.

He:   “Oh! You are so beautiful!” 

He:   “You are really a fairy.” 

He:   “You are the most beautiful one.”

He:   “No other female in the world like you.”

He:   “None can match you.”  

He:   “Oh! why are you so shy with me?”


He went on nuzzling her face with his mouth, then her lips neck, breasts and he went down and down causing untold agony and sweet pain.

He untied knot of the tablecloth, and lo!   She was all before him in a nude state like a marble milk white statue fully exposed in front of him. 

He:  “May I kiss you?”

He urged in a low husky voice as if it were a prayer he was offering to Love Goddess.  He hummed like a murmur in her ears.   Her body was poised alive pulsing and wanting. .

He:  “Just” “Once” ”Please”

He:  “May I?”

He:  “I shall be obliged.”

He:  “Only once please!” 


She did not reply.

Electric current was blowing through her.

She wanted to touch him, hold him and wanted her body up against his.  Her body was urging towards him.  She wanted herself merged with his body. 

She felt her heart racing and an intense feeling of closeness had overcome her.   Her arousal was quite new to her. Her body burned and ached and waited for the final play.  She felt waves of butterflies in her stomach.  His closeness and tenderness aroused her. She continued to stare at him, almost gazing, as if surprised, as if she did not want to be asked. She did not like his question but and why. She was ready to do and die.  She was intoxicated and lost in her own world of bliss and happiness. There was undisguised Love and desire in her eyes. He saw it. He was moved. He bent on her.

He kissed her. He parted her lips with his tongue, opened her mouth and started playing hide and seeks. Her mouth was moist wet and inviting.  One kiss did not suffice. One kiss did not quench his thirst.  His hunger for her was not satiated. He wanted to kiss her, again and again and again and forever. He never wanted to stop. He was gentle, loving and kind not giving her a chance to protest.  He felt her mouth moving shyly hesitantly beneath his own. He felt her body entwined to his from head to foot. His heart throbbed, thudded loud and fast from his chest reaching to his ears. He could feel nothing beyond an intense desire for her. He loosened his arms around her. He eased the intensity of his kiss. He allowed her body to separate from him. There was some distance of a few inches between the two. He raised his head. He stared at her.


Her eyes were closed as if she were in sound sleep.   He stroked her face to awaken her. He stroked her shoulders to awaken her.   His hands went downwards holding breasts in both hands. He started fondling them simultaneously.

He took the nipples one by one in his mouth and started squeezing with his lips, biting lightly with the teeth, his other hand busy fondling the other piece. Only then she opened her eyes. 

She protested mildly. 

She: “We must not be doing all this”

She: “It is not good for us both.”

He:   ‘Hey!’ “You don’t worry at all.”

He:  “I will not do any harm.”

He:  ”I am a friend.”

He:  “Let me hold you for a while.”

He:  “I will behave.”

He: “Then we go home.”

She hesitated. She started to get up.

He was swift. He stamped his mouth on hers vigorously, started fondling her body again. He continued to nuzzle her, caress her, rub her, and stroke her.  He raised her arms over her head. He smelled, sneezed her armpits one by one.

The effect was maddening. She swooned in his arms.  This was new to her. She responded.  She could not bear the agony any longer. She brought her hands down and engulfed him in an embrace.   He lay on her resting and relaxed.  He was quite aroused. He could not check himself. Both had become one. Both had surrendered to each other. Both had turned into one. He sucked and licked her neck and the back, hungry not satisfied, his teeth biting her skin. The sensation has aroused her to a great extent.  She no longer felt tricked and cheated. 


She felt she had ill-treated him in the start. She should have been lenient towards him.  For a while he withdrew his head as if to rest for a while.

This allowed her to relax and breathe normally.  She had started turning immobile and frigid under his weight. Now she felt freed and normal once again.  It seemed both had taken an interval. 


The second act was about to begin. He got up. He about turned her. . He made her lie down on her stomach.  He caressed her back and her everything sending electric sensations in her body.  She could not bear anymore; she felt she would die of agony.  After a while, She moved on her back, faced him straight into his eyes to find love there.

He took his mouth to her lips and kissed her intimately and vigorously and violently.  Both played with their tongue, game of catch and hide, hide and seek, catch and bite.

She felt as if she would die of pain any moment.  He fondled her waist, navel and down and down all the way between her legs.  She flinched, she winced.  She tried to withdraw, back up and get up.  He pressed her shoulders hard with his elbow and forced her to lie down and fiercely continued kissing her, fondling her stroking her all the while, all the time.

He:      “I love you.”

He:      “I love you.”

He:      “I love none but you and you” only.”

He:      “I want you.”

He:      “I want you.”

He:      “I want none but you and you only.”

She:    “It is not wise.

Please. She murmured, she whispered trembling, shuddering.  Her mind refused, her heart wanted it all the way.  She was split into yes and no.  Yes was about to prevail.



He:       “Oh!  dear. I want to be only with you.”

He:       “I will not do any wrong.”

He:      “Just I want to feel you. I love you; I want to die for you.”

He:       “I will not do anything vulgar to you.”

He:       “Only I want to feel close to you.”

He:        “How can I do any harm to my own love!”

He:        “I love you more than my life.”

He kissed her vigorously.

She:      “Do you quite love me?”

She:      “Are you sure you do love me?”

He:        ‘I do.” “I do.”

He:       “I love you, love you. I love you.”

She sighed heavily. She smiled. He felt as if her breasts were rising, touching his mouth.  He swallowed them both vigorously one by one, turn by turn, in the mean time, holding the other one with help of his hands and not letting them out of sight even for a second. A big fire was ignited within her. She was unable to extinguish it. She was not her own self. She was a different being today. She felt like throwing herself at his feet to entreat him to end the game. It was beyond her endurance.   Each time he stopped she was nervous.  Her body ached for more. She had already resigned herself and placed her at his mercy. She could not bear the pain, agony any longer.  She had surrendered.  She was all set for the final play.  Everything was set and both were ready eager and looking forward for the final play.  Her body heaved. He had switched on the ignition key. The  engine had found life. It fired, sputtered coughed and roared to life. It was to be geared to put it into motion. She raised her head as if twisting it. She raised her arms as if stretching them. She twisted her head from side to side to relax and ease the pain.  She raised her body turned sideways to feel relaxed. 



She bent her back up and down to feel relaxed.  Now he was playing with his hand on the back.  His hand was insistent but, light like a feather.

She was spread full length, her body experiencing untold agony and pain. She was not aware what was happening. She was as if sleeping closed eyed as if not knowing anything. 

She was feeling his slow strokes on her body. She was exhausted had no strength to refuse him or make protests. She had no desire to get up and stop him.  She did not want him to stop doing what he was doing.

She did not want to wince, flinch or protest in any way. She was eager to allow him to do as he pleased.  She had her eyes and her mind tightly closed.

An unknown desire and happiness overwhelmed her. She was drowned in an ocean of bliss and happiness.  She was flying in air her body experiencing untold waves of electric current.  She never wanted that he should stop half way. . She wanted that he should go on forever.  She was getting tremors, waves of jerks and upheaval in her body.  She was experiencing an unknown feeling of truth beauty and goodness.  She was feeling she was nearer to Heaven for the first time in her life.  She was experiencing an unknown feeling of love and happiness unknown to her. She never wanted that he should withdraw now. She wished him to continue forever. She was gradually melting in him, becoming one with him. They were one entity now. He had aroused her to a point of no return. He paused for a while to have a look at her. He found her face red hot and flushed. He saw love and happiness in her company. 


An unknown feeling of satisfaction, contentment and well being overwhelmed her. His touch caused tremors, jerks and vibrations in her body heather to before not known to her. She was on her journey to Heaven. She was all engrossed to feel the unknown pleasure. She never had imagined their union could be so exciting and loving. She was anticipating and awaiting his next move. She was anxious about it. 

Her heart jumped with anxiety and eagerness. She could bear it no longer.  Their mouth, their lips arms hands palms legs body everything were associated and introduced with each other to a point of no return. It was as if a one way street; a point of no return!

They had enveloped, engulfed into each other as if they were one entity.  He drew her closer and closer, tighter and tighter suffocating cornering as if she would die of happiness. She felt that if she died she would not repent. She was ready to die. He fell so hard on her that she felt her body would break at last.  Oh! Press it close to thy where I should break at last. All hearts have to break at last. Her heart beat loud and fast. Its beats were louder than drumbeats.  She prayed and prayed that he may never leave her. She wanted him always for her. She had been aroused to a point of no return. She was eager to end the game.  He paused. He looked around as an athlete looks around to size up the track.    He looked at her. He felt love for her. He felt compassion and well being from within. Her eyes were closed; perhaps out of shyness or happiness he could not fathom.  The atmosphere was charged with electricity, current passing in their veins. He was ready to go ahead all the way. 


All the hurdles were crossed. The road was clear.  Now the road was straight with no bumps and roadblocks or detours.  It was green signal all the way. He had to drive along leisurely. He raised his  hands and looked around to begin. With his  hands he raised her face; he gently kissed her like a feather touch.  There was nothing to fear to worry about. All her buts and ifs and fears were gone.  The road was clear. The signal was green. Go ahead.

The final was about to begin.  Here both were eager. Both felt they were incomplete unless they had finished it. Both were craving, dying to enter into each other. Both intensely wanted to go ahead. Both wanted to swallow, eat each other. This was the height of agony and torture for her. He massaged her tip making preparations. He spread his hand here and there.  He positioned himself. This was the fag end of the journey to the moon.  This time she did stir. She could not keep herself frigid howsoever she tried.

This time she did move. She was no longer that stiff and cold maiden now. This time she did open eyes. She wanted to see him, absorb him in her eyes.  This time she stared at him. She was not shy this time. She felt quite happy.

This time she did not protest or refuse or withdrew or got up.

This time she did not stop him. She had no strength left to stop him.  She saw him kneeling. She saw him bending and approaching.  She stared at it mesmerized and frightened at its size, all swollen red like a charging bull.


She knew it was coming. She had waited quite long for this moment.  She had burning aching feeling in her, the body wanting it now.  She was writhing and arching like a wild mare. She was fully aroused.  She had a glimpse of him in full action. She prayed all Gods to save her.

She was proud of him. She was happy with him. He was her everything in her life.   She was all butter and honey. She was all kind and quiet.  She was all praises for him.

She was all kindness and rewarding. There was complete change in her feelings for him.  She could not bear any longer. Her patience was at an end. She could not wait further. 

She felt as if she swooned and would die of anxiety if it did not visit her in the next few seconds. She was eagerly anxiously waiting for his arrival. She was all ready by herself.

Minutes were passing by. Hours were passing by. Nobody cared for time. Suddenly time had stopped. All clocks, all watches in the world had gone out of order.

World had stopped. There was no chaos. Storm had stopped. Everything was quiet for a while. All eyes were focused on her. Rain had stopped. Seasons had stopped. Sun had stopped. Everything had stopped. Wind had stopped. Atmosphere had stopped. The world had stopped. Everything had stopped.  Nothing was moving. Everything was standstill.

Her hips sounded moving. She was responding to his tune. Both were charged with lust, dancing twisting jumping up and down and so on and so forth. She felt, she was ready lying on her back, her legs outstretched, spread-eagled to receive him. 


 He lowered himself on her and placed him on her door.   She began to jump and dance stretch and squeeze to take him in her.  He kissed her again.

She found herself wrapping her hands around him in his odyssey of love. She pulled him closer. He was moving slowly with rhythm of his own. He was handling her as if he were playing a guitar, instrument of music, his fingers deftly playing on the sensitive wires. She opened up in full and pulled him inside of her all the way as if to keep it there forever and not let it go. She wondered herself at her attempt to absorb him in her.  He shuddered at last; she engulfed his torso with her raised entwined legs pressing him with all her strength.


She was experiencing a sigh of relief happiness. She felt filled up to her neck.  They were on their journey to the moon. They were on a honeymoon in space.

Rockets were flying in the sky. Now the whole atmosphere was full of noise.  Firecrackers, atom bombs were bursting deafening the ears.  She had engulfed him. She was bathed in his sensations and love for him.  She had swallowed him whole in her. She wondered how she could do this.  Now, she began to move, first slowly than accelerating the speed and the momentum to a point of no return. The process had terrific heat in her.  Life was all bliss and wonderful. She had never dreamt of life being so wonderful. She shuddered, went stiff and lying still anticipating further. She was thirsty of his love.   Thereafter the way was sticky, the way was wet and slippery and easy and smooth.  


He repeated his love, she responded like wise, and the never-ending game of love continued, went on and on and on; soon both were flying in air, rockets were bursting, trumpets were blowing and both had reached highest level of satisfaction, and ecstasy. Both had clanged to each other never to depart, unless death do them part.

A bond had developed between the two. It was an interminable bond. She was one in him. Both had lost their identity to be dissolved into one. He was one in her. She was one in him. Both were one in each other.  Both dissolved in each other and came out as a single entity. It was complete dissolution of soul body and mind. It was a reunion of two human beings in Heaven.  Their soul was one with two bodies. They had become one in each other. Both felt. Again, she moaned. She was floating in air.


She was shivering shuddering in some sensation.  She gasped. She was feeling some unknown sensation. She was not by herself. She felt as if she got suffocated, choked, breathless, and dizzy.  She held him tight over her with her hands in grip. She felt her blood rushed to a single point for a way out. It was as if waters of Victoria falls had fallen to earth. She was unknown to such a forceful bliss.  She felt contented filled not wanting further. He too, cried out loud. He cried out her name for the first time. He had melted in her totally without any reservation without any shame. He accepted her for his whole life as a wife. She cried his name for the first time. She had melted in him completely without any reservation without any shame. Both had become one. They were not two individuals any longer. They were one in two bodies. That is pure love at its highest summit. They had achieved it. They surely had conquered the highest peak of spiritual love.


From that moment when she was consumed by his power, all things, she had considered important to her way of life, ceased to be important. They were not important any more. She felt as if she was swimming in the current of his love. She knew in quite certain terms that there was never, nor there would again be, a lover like him for her. She had been a selfish girl so far. Suddenly she realized that love begets love with kindliness and forgiveness. For her he was her Man. He was at this time, all that was strong, and all that was weak in a single man. She had made up her mind. She had believed in Destiny. Pairs were made in Heaven. Who are we to fight them! She belonged to him forever for life -for all lives to come.


He had a small career.  At the most he may retire as a Captain or an Assistant Commissioner. This did not color her judgment. She accepted him with open eyes. They had talked frankly about his job. She had agreed that she was aware of all the drawbacks of public service. The separations, lack of permanent place, to live on account of frequent postings, a normal family existence, the long slow climb in matters of promotion in service, the need to be humble to superior’s wives- that none of the things would trouble her because they loved each other. Of course he knew they forget their commitments very soon. He had warned her that the climb would be hard. She had accepted it as a fact of life. She had lost any inclination to refuse him. In loving her, he too had come out of his hardness stiffness, his single-minded trend. He was eager to show tenderness humor consideration and understanding.

The search for a life-partner was called off  for both of them.

The choice was made. Both were meant for each other.

People said many things about  him.

No one could say that he was not handsome.

He was tall slender and graceful. 

He had a sort of an animal type of grace that attracted

the ladies despite their unwillingness to involve in any relationship.  He had a seductive youthfulness.   He was a flatterer.  He had the inborn quality to make out tales after tales

which the ladies liked to hear him narrate again and again.

He often wondered how people swallowed  his crap, and how he managed to escape himself unchallenged.  He simply had no idea.  It was luck or his instinct to make the right acquaintance at the right time, and make exit at the right time.  

His gestures were calculated with mathematical precision and his every smile wink handshake were well rehearsed.  He had the neck to find out the families who would be useful.

She felt deep pity for him.

She saw him as a helpless captive in the hands of  religion.

She also felt something else.  She could not explain.  It was an impulse but she experienced a physical need to touch him.  This urge was so strong that when she spoke to him,

She pat him on his hand or put her hand on his thigh etc.  Such innocent gestures very deeply kept him disturbed.

Something really tangible happened.   He had finished his routine work and was about to retire to his place.   She crossed the path and stood invitingly mocking.

She was absorbed in her game but at ease as she had seen  him completing his outdoor job and returning on break for rest and lunch.  She laid her hand on his shoulder dragging him near

as if she intended to reveal a secret. 

He  listened.  Both, thereafter, with their hands entangled, departed towards his room on the top of the mansion.  His hand came to rest on her shoulder.   It moved down her back.  She felt it went still deeper. She had a jittering of her body unknown to her.  It came with an intensity which she never knew it was possible.   It had lasted about a minute. It was total. It was so full and all-encompassing that it had an effect of an explosion she felt for all the time, she had lived and of all the years yet to be lived.

Now she was certain God existed.  Now she could die without regret. or